MTA SZTAKIEU Kiválósági Központ az információ-technológia és az automatizálás területénAz MTA SZTAKI tagja az ERCIM-nek (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics)Az MTA SZTAKI tagja a W3C-nek (the World Wide Web Consortium)ISO 9001 Minőségírányítás

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External Relationships

The Institute has wide external relationships in its R & D profile. ERCIM (European Research Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics) granted full membership to the Institute in 1994. Members of the Consortium are national Informatics research centers of EU and EFTA countries (one from a country) who aim at co-operating in projects of European scale and in joint education of young scientists. The Institute is a member of the W3 Consortium led by the MIT, of the European Software Institute and of other international organizations.

Upon getting the award of numerous EU-grants, researchers of SZTAKI contribute extensively to European scientific co-operation projects The Institute was the first in our region to obtain an ESPRIT Basic Research Grant. Our international educational contacts include participation in the TEMPUS programme. Some research programs are supported by US Agencies, including NSF, ARO and ONR.

Recent years have delivered us promising development in our contacts with Western-European, North-American and Far-Eastern universities and research centers. Our senior researchers are also very active in the management and in the working committees of various international scientific organizations. Many researchers are members of editorial boards of leading international scientific periodicals.


Consortiums The Institute is member of the following consortiums
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