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Mesterséges Intelligencia Műszaki Alkalmazása Csoport

Név angolul: Group of Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Név magyarul: Mesterséges Intelligencia Műszaki Alkalmazása Csoport
Vezető: Prof. Márkus András
Tagok: Ekárt Anikó
Gulyás László
Dr. Váncza József
1111 Budapest XI.
Kende u. 13-17.
Telefon: (+361) 209-6194
Fax: (+361) 466-7503

SZTAKI jelentés A Kutatói Egység éves beszámolójának fejezetei erről a laboratóriumról.
Aktuális hírek

2001 április: Ekárt Anikó benyújtotta PhD értekezését. Az értekezés címe: Genetic programming - New performance improving methods and applications.

2001 február: Márkus András elnyerte az MTA Tudományok Doktora fokozatát.

Válogatott publikációk

EKÁRT, A.: Shorter fitness preserving genetic programs. In: Artificial Evolution. 4th European Conference, AE'99 Dunkerque, 3-5 November 1999. Selected Papers (Eds: C. Fonlupt, J.-K. Hao, E. Lutton, E. Ronald, M. Schoenauer), Springer, LNCS volume 1829, pp. 73-83, (2000).

EKÁRT, A., NÉMETH, S.Z.: A metric for genetic programs and fitness sharing. In: Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EUROGP'2000 (Eds: R. Poli, W. Banzhaf, W. B. Langdon, J. Miller, P. Nordin, T. Fogarty). Edinburgh, 15-16 April 2000, Springer, LNCS volume 1802, pp. 259-270, (2000).

EKÁRT, A., NÉMETH, S.Z.: Selection based on the Pareto nondomination criterion for controlling code growth in genetic programming. Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2(1), 61-73 (2001).

EKÁRT, A., NÉMETH, S.Z.: A noncontinuous generalization of the arithmetic-geometric mean. Applied Mathematics and Computation, (in print).

GULYÁS, L., TATAI, G.:(eds.): Agents Everywhere. HUNABC _98. Proceedings of the first Hungarian National Conference on Agent Based Computing. Budapest, 1998. Budapest, Springer, 1999.

GULYÁS, L., KOZSIK, T., CORLISS, J. B.: The multi-agent modelling language and the model design interface. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2(3): (1999)

GULYÁS, L.: On the transition to agent-based modeling: A case study. In: Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress, Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation, Planning and Control, Lausanne 2000. CD.

GULYÁS, L., VINCZE, T.: Automated trading experiments with MAML. In: Agent-Based Methods in Economics and Finance: Simulations in Swarm, (Eds. Luna, F., Perrone, A.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, (in print).

MÁRKUS, A., RENNER, G., VÁNCZA, J.: Genetic algorithms in free form curve design. In: Daehlen, M., Lyche, T. and Schumaker, L.L. (eds.), Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Vanderbilt University Press, La Vergne, 343-354, (1995).

MÁRKUS, A., KIS, T., VÁNCZA, J., MONOSTORI, L.: A market approach to holonic manufacturing. Annals of the CIRP, 45(1) , 433-436, (1996).

MÁRKUS, A., VÁNCZA, J., HORVÁTH, M.: Process planning by retrieval and adaptation. Computers in Industry, 33, 47-60 (1997).

MÁRKUS, A., VÁNCZA, J.: Product line development with customer interaction. Annals of the CIRP, 47(1), 361-364, (1998).

MÁRKUS, A., EKÁRT, A., UEDA, K: Production balancing by emergent rules. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis. IWES '99. Kobe, 1999. (Ed.: K. Ueda.), Kobe Univ., 1999. pp. 249-256.

MÁRKUS, A., VÁNCZA, J.: Process planning with conflicting and conditional advice. Annals of the CIRP, 50(1) (in print).

VÁNCZA, J., MÁRKUS, A.: Experiments with the integration of reasoning, optimization and generalization in process planning. Advances in Engineering Software 25, 29-39, (1996).

VÁNCZA, J., HORVÁTH, M., STANKÓCZI, Z.: Robotic inspection plan optimization by case-based reasoning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 9(2), 181-188, (1998).

VÁNCZA, J.: Artificial intelligence support in design: a survey. In: Integration of process knowledge into design support systems. Proceedings of the 1999 CIRP international design seminar. Enschede, 1999. (Eds.: H. Kals, F. van Houten.) Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 1999. 57-68.

VÁNCZA, J., MÁRKUS, A.: An agent model for incentive-based production scheduling. Computers in Industry, 43(2):173-187, (2000).

VÁNCZA J., MÁRKUS, A.: Solving conditional and conflicting constraints in manufacturing process planning. In: Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CP-AI-OR'2001), Wye College, UK, April 8-10, 2001.

Kapcsolattartás és karbantartás Gulyás László
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