Digital enterprises, production networks
Production systems operate in changing,
uncertain environments. Increasing complexity is the other
characteristics, which is manifested in production processes, systems and
enterprise structures.
The concept of the digital
enterprise, i.e., the mapping of all the important elements of the
enterprise processes by means of IT provides a unique way for managing these
problems. The project partners form a well-balanced industry-academia
consortium where a large manufacturing and a small-medium information
technology enterprise, as well as the research community of two universities
and the Academy are all represented. They want to make progress in the
following - partly overlapping - directions:
- management and scheduling of
large-scale projects,
- tele-presence and interactive
- monitoring of complex production
The main goal of
the project is to make available and manageable all the important
production-related information in a controlled, user-dependent way by the
efficient application of information and communication technologies. The
development and application of intelligent decision support systems will help
enterprises to cope with the problems of uncertainty and complexity, to
increase their efficiency, join in production networks and to improve the scope
and quality of their customer relationship management.
Members of the consortium: MTA SZTAKI, the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, (BME), University of Miskolc, (ME), GE Hungary, MT System Ltd. The project co-ordinator is Prof. László Monostori,
Deputy Director, Research (MTA SZTAKI).