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Research Division
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Contact | |
Name in English: |
Research Division |
Name in Hungarian: |
Autonom Kutató Egység |
Head: |
László Monostori |
Secretary: |
H-1111 Budapest XI.
Kende u. 13-17.
Phone: |
(+361) 209-6990 |
Fax: |
(+361) 466-7503 |
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Laboratories of the Division:
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- Analogical and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory (head: Tamás Roska),
- Applied Mathematics Laboratory (head: László Gerencsér),
- Cognitive Vision Laboratory (head: Péter Baranyi),
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory (head: György Kovács),
- Engineering and Management Intelligence Laboratory (head: András Márkus),
- Geometric Modelling Laboratory (head: Tamás Várady),
- Informatics Laboratory (head: Lajos Rónyai),
- Operations Research and Decision Systems Laboratory (head: Tamás Rapcsák),
- Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory (head: Péter Kacsuk),
- Systems and Control Laboratory (head: József Bokor),
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About | |
The Autonomous Research Division (AKE) of the Computer and Automation
Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI) was founded in
1991 with the main focus on basic research related to the C3I (Computing,
Control, Communication, and Intelligence) quadruple of the Institute's
profile. Though being fundamentally concerned with basic research, AKE
significantly contributes also to the development and consulting activities
of the Institute, furthermore, conducts extensive education.
In 1997 a consolidation programme was initiated by the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences with the aim of concentrating research activities in closely
related fields and of actualising the support of the different scientific
areas in correspondence to their present significance in the country and the
international co-operation. In this process SZTAKI and the Research
Institute for Measurement and Computer Techniques (MSZKI) have been merged.
Two new laboratories, i.e. the Communication Protocol Laboratory and the
Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems were formed by the
researchers having joined the SZTAKI.
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Education | |
Educational activities of the Research Division proceed in a co-ordinated
manner, mostly in the framework of co-operation agreements signed with the
following universities in Hungary:
- Budapest University of Economic Sciences
- Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences, Budapest
- Technical University of Budapest
- University of Veszprém.
Some relative new forms of our co-operations with universities are external
university departments established at the Institute, i.e. the Department of
Economic Decisions (Budapest University of Economic Sciences) headed by
Prof. Tamás Rapcsák, and the Department of Information Sciences (Loránd
Eötvös University of Sciences) headed by Prof. János Demetrovics,
Academician. In 1996 a common laboratory, the Dynamics and Control Systems
Centre was founded with the Transportation Faculty, Technical University of
A number of Ph.D. Programmes at various Hungarian universities were
accredited with the contributions of AKE members. The interdisciplinary
Neuromorphic Information Technology Doctoral Programme and the accompanying
Postgraduate Centre, both headed by Prof. Tamás Roska, Academician, was
established by the Institute with the contributions of four Hungarian
universities and distinguished foreign professors from Berkeley, Leuven, and
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Supports | |
The Research Division is financially supported by the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, but more than the half of its budget is acquired through various
research grants of OTKA (National Scientific Research Fund), OMFB (National
Committee for Technological Development). The importance and weight of
NSF, ONR (Office of Naval Research), US-Hungarian Research Grant, NATO Civil
Research Programme, etc.) grow rapidly. The Institute's membership in
leading research consortiums, e.g. in the European Research Consortium of
Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) and the WWW Consortium
co-ordinated by the MIT and INRIA are expected to open further ways in
international project co-operation.
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Research Report | |
The annual reports about the research result of the division.
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