MTA SZTAKIEU Centre of Excellence in Information Technology and AutomationMTA SZTAKI is a member of ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and MathematicsMTA SZTAKI is a member of W3C - the World Wide Web ConsortiumISO 9001 Quality Management

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About the Institute

Knowledge center in informatics

Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1964. Its staff consists of more than 300 full-time employees, more than 200 with university diploma and more than 70 with scientific degrees.

The fundamental task of the Institute is to perform basic- and application oriented research in an interdisciplinary setting in the field of computer science, intelligent systems, process control, wide-area networking and multimedia. Contract-based target research, development, training and expert support for domestic and foreign industrial, governmental and other partners are important activities of the Institute, as well.

The Institute's mission includes the transfer of up-to-date results and research technology to university students. The Institute is very active in graduate and postgraduate education, cooperating with most technical universities in Hungary and operating common chairs, post-graduate programs with them. More than 40 colleagues conduct regularly lectures on graduate and post-graduate level, and senior researchers hold part-time position as university professors. 40-50 Ph.D. students and 30-40 graduate students participate in the work of the Institute.

The Institute has wide external relationships in its R & D profile. ERCIM (European Research Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics) granted full membership to the Institute in 1994. The Institute is a member of the W3 Consortium led by the MIT, of the European Software Institute and of other international organizations. Our Institute won the title of "Centre of Excellence" in the V Framework Program, and is participating in many research projects of this program.

Our Institute is stable partner in R&D and in the field of contract-based applied work, as system planning, system integration, consulting, and turn-key information system.

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The institute's earlier introduction
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