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Online help for the SZTAKI Voting system

Question types

In order to fill the questionnaire, the voter should understand the meaning of various question types:
  • Single selection choice
  • Multiple selection choice
  • Evaluation choice
  • Ranking choice
  • Allocative choice

Single selection choice

Voter can select one of the several choices. The number of selections made by voters are summed for each choice.

1. What is your favourite colour?

Single selection choice


Multiple selection choice

Voter can select some of the choices. The number of selections made by voters are summed for each choice.

2. What is your favourite colour?

Multiple selection choice


Evaluation choice

Voter must give one of the labels to each choices. The score of a choice in a ballot is determined by the chosen label (qualification of choice). For example if the labels are "bad" (1 point), "average" (2 points), "good" (3 points) and "good" is selected for choice "yellow" by the voter then the score of the choice "yellow" will be 3 in this ballot. Currently the order of the labels in the system is important, because this determines the number of points.

3. What is your favourite colour?

Evaluation choice

red I don't like it neutral I like it
green I don't like it neutral I like it
blue I don't like it neutral I like it
yellow I don't like it neutral I like it

Ranking choice

Voter must make an order of choices (first is the best). There are two analyze methods for calculating the result:

net binary rank score: pairwise comparison of choices is made in all ballots. If choice "green" comes before choice "red" in a ballot then the score of "green" will be increased by one, and the score of "red" will be decreased by one.

sum: it is the sum of ranking scores. The ranking score of a choice in a ballot is number of choices minus the ordinal number of the choice. For example let the ballot be the following: "green", "yellow", "blue", "other", "red". The score of the "yellow" choice is 3, because the number of choices is 5 and "yellow" is in the second place.

4. What is your favourite colour?

Ranking choice


Allocative choice

There is a given budget and the voter must distribute this budget to the choices. The received budget points are summed for each choice.

5. What is your favourite colour?

Allocative choice: 100

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