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September 22, minisymposium in the honour of the 60st birthday of academician Tamás Roska
On September 22 in the honour of the 60st birthday of
academician Tamás Roska a minisymposium was organized in
the Institute. The talks concerned both the high education program
in technical informatics and the research results on nonlinear
networks and CNN.
The 2000. September issue of the Hungarian PRINT &
PUBLISHING writes an appreciation of the image-setter
developed in MTA SZTAKI, which is one of the first
platesetters in the world. It is based on the most up-to date
CTP (Computer To Plate) technology (Hardware + Software).
Laser and Computer Techniques Department
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SZTAKI becomes a Centre-of-Excellence
In April MTA SZTAKI was recognised as a Centre-of-Excellence by the
European Commission, Directorate General Research, - International
co-operation, after our proposal had been favourably evaluated by
the Commission services with the help of independent experts. Contract
negotiations are in progress, but SZTAKI wishes to thank all those
partner institutions and colleagues within ERCIM, who helped to
achieve this prestigious title.
Peter Kacsuk, head of the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed
Systems received the Kalmar-prize - the second biggest prize of
the Hungarian Neumann Society - for his outstanding work in
computer science and technology.