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Applied mathematics laboratory

Stochastic systems research group

c/  conference paper

FINESSO, L. - GERENCSÉR, L. - KMECS, I.: A recursive randomized EM-algorithm, for estimation under quantization error.
In: Proceedings of the American control conference. Chicago, 2000.
Chicago, IEEE, 2000. pp. 790-791. CD N

GERENCSÉR, L. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: SPSA in noise free optimization.
In: Proceedings of the American control conference. Chicago, 2000.
Chicago, IEEE, 2000. pp. 3284-3288. CD

research report 

GERENCSÉR, L. - MICHALETZKY, Gy.: BIBO stability of switching systems.
Royal Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics. Preprint TRITA/MAT-00-OS20.
Stockholm, Royal Inst. of Techn., 2000. 9 p.

REPPA Z.: A hiperbolikus piacmodell érvényessége a Budapesti Értéktőzsdén. (Testing the validity of the hyperbolic model on BÉT.) (in Hungarian)
Working paper of the Research Group of Stochastical Systems. (RGSS) WP 2000-1.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2000. 20 p.

Group of mathematical physics

a/  international journal

BIRÓ, Zs. - VELAZQUEZ, J. J. L.: Analysis of a free boundary problem arising in bubble dynamics.
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis. 32 (1) : 142-171. (2000) 0,920 N

c/  conference paper

GALAKTIONOV, V. A. - KERSNER, R.: On a discontinuous parabolic semigroup.
In: Proceedings of international conference on free bounday problems. Theory and applications II. Chiba, 1999. (Ed.: N. Kenmochi.)
Tokyo, Gakkotosho, 2000. pp. 135-145.
(GAKUTO international series. Mathematical sciences and applications 14.) N

HILHORST, D. - KERSNER, R. - LOGAK, E. - MIMURA, M.: On some asymptotic limits of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion.
In: Proceedings of international conference on free bounday problems. Theory and applications II. Chiba, 1999. (Ed.: N. Kenmochi.)
Tokyo, Gakkotosho, 2000. pp. 163-175.
(GAKUTO international series. Mathematical sciences and applications 14.) N

Group of discrete structures

a/  international journal

ALON, N. - GYÁRFÁS, A. - RUSZINKÓ, M.: Decreasing the diameter of bounded degree graphs.
Journal of Graph Theory. 35 (3) : 161-172. (2000) 0,544 N

BOHMAN, T. - FRIEZE, A. - RUSZINKÓ, M. - THOMA, L.: A note on sparse random graphs and cover graphs.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 7 (R#19) : 1-9. (2000) N

CHEN, G. - JACOBSON, M. S. - KÉZDY, A. E. - LEHEL, J. - SCHEINERMAN, E. R. - WANG, C.: Clique covering the edges of a locally cobipartite graph.
Discrete Mathematics. 219 (1-3) : 17-26. (2000) 0,318 N

FRIEZE, A. - RUSZINKÓ, M. - THOMA, L.: A note on random minimum length spanning trees.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 7 (R#41) : 1-5. (2000) N

LEHEL, J. - LEVI, I. : Loops with partitions and matchings.
Ars Combinatoria. 54 : 237-253. (2000) 0,121 N

c/  conference paper

BOHMAN, T. - RUSZINKÓ, M. - THOMA, L.: Shannon capacity of large odd cycles.
In: 2000 IEEE international symposium on information theory. Proceedings. Sorrento, 2000.
Piscataway, IEEE, 2000. pp. 179. N

e/  book section

GOULD, R. J. - JACOBSON, M. S. - LEHEL, J.: Potentially G-grafical degree sequences.
In: Combinatorics, graph theory, and algorithms. (Eds.: Y. Alavi, D. R. Lick, A. Schwenk.) Vol. 2.
Kalamazoo, New Issues Pr., 1999. pp. 451-460. N

KÉZDY, A. - LEHEL, J.: Degree sequences of graphs with prescribed cique size.
In: Combinatorics, graph theory, and algorithms. (Eds.: Y. Alavi, D. R. Lick, A. Schwenk.) Vol. 2.
Kalamazoo, New Issues Pr., 1999. pp. 535-544. N

KUBICKA, E. - KUBICKI, G. - LEHEL, J.: Path-pairable property for complete grids.
In: Combinatorics, graph theory, and algorithms. (Eds.: Y. Alavi, D. R. Lick, A. Schwenk.) Vol. 2.
Kalamazoo, New Issues Pr., 1999. pp. 577-586. N

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