MTA SZTAKIEU Centre of Excellence in Information Technology and AutomationMTA SZTAKI is a member of ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and MathematicsMTA SZTAKI is a member of W3C - the World Wide Web ConsortiumISO 9001 Quality Management

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Informatics laboratory
a/  international journal

ANTOS, A. - GYÖRFI, L. - KOHLER, M.: Lower bounds on the rate of convergence of nonparametric regression estimates.
Journal Statistical Planning and Inference. 83 (1) : 91-100. (2000) 0,300 N

BENCZÚR, A. A. - KARGER, D. R.: Augmenting undirected edge connectivity in Ő(n2) time.
Journal of Algorithms. 37 (1) : 2-36. (2000) 0,468 N

BIRÓ, M. - IVANYOS, J. - MESSNARZ, R.: Pioneering process improvement experiment in Hungary.
Software Process Improvement and Practice. 5 (4) : 213-229. (2000) N

BIRÓ, M. - MESSNARZ, R.: Key success factors for business based improvement.
Software Quality Professional. 2 (2) : 20-31. (2000) N

BOROS, E. - RECSKI, A. - SZKALICZKI, T. - WETTL, F.: Polynomial time Manhattan routing without doglegs - a generalization of Gallai's algorithm.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence. 18 (4) : 403-413. (1999) 0,164

ELEKES, Gy. - RÓNYAI, L.: A combinatorial problem on polynomials and rational functions.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser. A. 89 (1) : 1-20. (2000) 0,438

GYÖRFI, L. - JORDÁN, Á. - VAJDA, I.: Exact error probability for slow frequency hopping.
European Transactions on Telecommunications. 11 (2) : 183-190. (2000) 

GYÖRFI, L. - RÁCZ, A. - DUFFY, K. - LEWIS, J. T. - TOOMEY, F.: Distribution-free confidence intervals for measurement of effective bandwidth.
Journal Applied Probability. 37 (1) : 224-235. (2000) 0,435 N

IVANYOS, G. - LUX, K.: Treating the exceptional cases of the MeatAxe.
Experimental Mathematics. 9 (3) : 373-381. (2000)

KEMNITZ, A. - SZABÓ, L. - UJVÁRY-MENYHÁRT, Z.: Protecting regular polygons.
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie. 41 (2) : 391-399. (2000) N

RÓNYAI, L.: On a conjecture of Kemnitz.
Combinatorica. 20 (4) : 569-573. (2000) 0,380

SZKALICZKI, T.: Routing with minimum wire length in the dogleg-free Manhattan model is NP-complete.
SIAM Journal on Computing. 29 (1) : 274-287. (1999) 1,009

b/ Hungarian journal

BIRÓ M.: Nemzeti kultúrák és az információs társadalom. (National cultures and the information society.) (in Hungarian)
Magyar Távközlés. 11 (8) : 35-38. (2000)

DEMETROVICS J. - KATONA Gy. O. H.: Az algoritmusok bonyolultsága.
Természet Világa. 131 (II. : 9-13. (2000)

DEMETROVICS, J. - THI, V. D.: Some computational problems related to Boyce-Codd normal form.
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica. 19 : 119-132. (2000) N

RÓNYAI L.: Három halk visszhang.
Természet Világa. 131 (II. : 14-18. (2000)

SZABÓ, L.: Néhány kombinatorikus geometriai probléma. (Some problems in combinatorial geometry.) (in Hungarian)
Polygon. 9 (2) : 1-13. (1999)

c/  conference paper

BIRÓ, M.: Cultural environment protection in the information society.
In: Project control: the human factor. Proceedings of ESCOM - SCOPE 2000. Munich, 2000. (Eds.: K. D. Maxwell, et al.)
Maastricht, Shaker, 2000. pp. 415-421.

DEMETROVICS, J. - KUL’BA, V. V. - SELKOV, A. B. - URBÁNSZKI, F.: Informacionnaa bezopasnost’ avtomatizirovannyh sistem upravlenia. (Information security of automatic control systems.) (in Russian)
In: Mezhdunarodnaa konferencia po problemam upravlenia. Tezisy dokladov. Tom 2. (Proceedings of the international conference on control problems. Vol. 2.)
Moszkva, Roszszijszkaa Akad. Nauk, 1999. pp. 58-60. N

IVANYOS, G.: Fast randomized algorithms for the structure of matrix algebras over finite fields.
In: ISSAC 2000. International symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation. St. Andrews, 2000.
New York, ACM, 2000. pp. 175-183.

KOVACS, Z. - McCLATCHEY, R. - SOLOMONIDES, T. - LE GOFF, J.-M. - ROHRBACH, P. L. F. - VESZTERGOMBI, G. - ZSENEI, M. - VARGA, L.: Database description for a Pan-European healthcare system.
In: Proceedings of the 33rd annual Hawaii international conference on system sciences - 2000. HICSS-33. Maui, 2000. (Ed.: R.H. Sprague.)
New York, IEEE, 2000. pp. [1-10.] N

O’SUILLEABHAIN, G. - JORDAN, M. - MESSNARZ, R. - BIRÓ, M. -STREET, K.: The perception of quality based on different cultural factors and value systems.
In: Proceedings of the EuroSPI 2000 conference. European software process improvement. Copenhagen, 2000. (Ed.: R. Messnarz.)
Copenhagen, CBS, 2000. pp. 2-32-2-44. N

SZKALICZKI, T.: Complexity of routing problems in the Manhattan model.
In: The proceedings of the 1st Japanese-Hungarian symposium on discrete mathematics and its applications. Kyoto, 1999.
Kyoto, 1999. pp. 249-255.

e/  book section

ANSTEE, R. - DEMETROVICS, J. - KATONA, Gy. O. H. - SALI, A.: Low discrepancy allocation of two-dimensional data.
In: Foundations of information and knowledge systems. (Eds.: K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim.)
Berlin, Springer, 2000. pp. 1-12.
(Lecture notes in computer science 1762.) N  0,872

ANTOS, A. - DEVROYE, L.: Rawa trees.
In: Mathematics and computer science. Algorithms, trees, combinatorics and probabilities. (Eds.: D. Gardy, A. Mokkadem.)
Basel, Birkhauser, 2000. pp. 3-15.
(Trends in mathematics.) N

BENCZÚR, A. A. - FÜLÖP, O.: Fast algorithms for even/odd minimum cuts and generalizations.
In: Algorithms - ESA 2000. (Ed.: M. Paterson.)
Berlin, Springer, 2000. pp. 88-99.
(Lecture notes in computer science 1879.) 0,872

DE GRAAF, W. A. - IVANYOS, G.: Finding splitting elements and maximal tori in matrix algebras.
In: Interactions between ring theory and representations of algebras. (Eds.: F. Van Oystaeyen, M. Saorin.)
New York, Marcel Dekker, 2000. pp. 95-105.
(Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics 210.) N

DEMETROVICS, J. - KATONA, Gy. O. H. - MIKLÓS, D.: Error-correcting keys in relational databases.
In: Foundations of information and knowledge systems. (Eds.: K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim.)
Berlin, Springer, 2000. pp. 88-93.
(Lecture notes in computer science 1762.) 0,872

research reports

BIRÓ M. - FEUER É. - KARSÁN Zs.: Útmutató. Európai KTF pályázatok megvalósításához. (Guide for the implementation of European RTD proposals.) (in Hungarian)
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI ISTOK, 1999. 62 p.

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