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Power Electronics Group

BIRINGER, P. P. -- NAGY, I.: General analysis of voltage source inverters with tolerance band control.
In: ED&PE, '92. International conference on electrical drives and power electronics. Kosice, 1992.
Kosice, 1992. pp. 213-218.

NAGY, I.: Kis veszteségű egyen-egyen konverterek. (DC-DC converters with low losses.)
Elektrotechnika. 85 (9) : 323-327. (1992)

NAGY, I.: Kis veszteségű egyen-egyen konverterek üzemtana. (Application aspects of DC-DC converters with low losses.)
Elektrotechnika. 85 (10) : 363-366. (1992)

NAGY, I.: Qualification of electric drives.
In: 1st European conference on reliability, standardization and certification of industrial electric drives. Proceedings. Milano, 1992.
Milano, ANAE, 1992. pp. 1-23.
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