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BOKOR, J. - NÁNDORI, E. - VÁRLAKI, P. (eds.): Studies in vehicle engineering and transportation science.


The purpose of this book, including 20 technical papers, is to investigate modeling and design approaches of vehicle system structures and their phenomena in actual transportation environments.

The first part of the book deals with the analysis of vehicle structures, calculation of vehicle bodies and sensitivity analysis of road systems under geometrical imperfections.

The second part discusses different modeling approaches according to the modern theory of probability, stochastic processes and statistics, taking into consideration the traffic systems and road profile excitation properties, moreover, the cooperation between the vehicle and pay-load and the extreme values of dynamic stress processes.

The third part of the book studies the identification of vehicle system dynamics based on the contemporary methodology, and using methods of system identification theory (the problem of transient chaotic behavior, identification of multivariable linear models from test data, and bilinear models for the nonlinear vibrating  phenomena).

The next-to-the-last part of the book contains different approaches for the control design of vehicle structures (multiobjective suspension control design, inteligent vehicle-road system researches, and the control of wheel shimmy motion via feedback linearization).

The last part discusses some environmental cosideration on the vehicle design and transporation.

The book is dedicated to Professor Pál Michelberger as an honorary Festschrift on his 70th birthday, so as a concluding part it contains his scientific and engineering contribution (lectures and publications), and curriculum vitae, included in the appendices.
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