Molnár-Sáska Gábor


in Hungarian


  • Stochastic Systems Research Group
  • 1111 Budapest XI. Kende u. 13-17.
  • Tel: (36-1)-279-6190
  • e-mail:


Research fields:

ˇ        Hidden Markov Models and its applications.

ˇ        Stability of Markov chains

ˇ        Linear Stochastic System


Selected publications:

Gerencsér, L. - Molnár-Sáska, G.: Recursive estimation of Hidden Markov Models, 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, MoB16.3, 2005., accepted (pdf)

Gerencsér L., Molnár-Sáska G., Change detection of Hidden Markov Models, Proceedings of the 43th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, WeA11.2, 2004., (ps)

Bolla M., Molnár-Sáska G., Optimization problems for weighted graphs and related correlation estimates, Discrete Mathematics, 282 (1-3) 23-33., 2004. (ps)

Gerencsér L., Molnár-Sáska G., Estimation and Strong Approximation of Hidden Markov Models, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer, vol. 294., 313-320., 2003. (ps)

Gerencsér L., Molnár-Sáska G., Adaptive encoding and prediction of Hidden Markov processes, In proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC2003, Cambridge, 2003. (ps)

Gerencsér L., Molnár-Sáska G., Michaletzky Gy., Tusnády G., Vágó Zs., New methods for the statistical analysis of Hidden Markov Models, Proceedings of the 41th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, Las Vegas, 2002., WeP09-6 2272-2277. (ps)

Lecture Notes on Hidden Markov Models I-II-III (in Hungarian) (I-ps)   (II-ps)   (III-ps)


Teachnig: Problems for the preparatory course (Central European University) (2004 September)

Other activities:

ˇ        Seminar on Applied Mathematics

ˇ        Adatrosta (Data Mining) project

ˇ        GMI (statistician)

ˇ        International House (statistician at the Exam center)

My homepage at the Technical University of Budapest.

My children:

Molnár-Sáska Zoltán Gábor



Molnár-Sáska Zsófia Eszter
