Fontosabb tudományos előadások Computational Completeness of Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary
Processors with Seven Nodes. 10th International Workshop on Descriptional
Complexity of Formal Systems, DCFS 2008, Charlottetown, 2008. július 16-18. P automata: Membrane systems as acceptors. Computability in Europe
2008, CiE'08, Special Session: Biology and Computation. University of Athens,
Athén, 2008. június 15-20. (meghívott
előadás) Power and Size of Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors. Computational
Biomodelling Laboratory, Abo Akademi, Turku, 2008. június 9. On some string-based operations modelling linear self-assembly.
Workshop ''Algorithmic Bioprocesses''. Lorentz Center, Leiden, 2007. december
3-7. (meghívott előadás) P systems with string objects and with communication by request. Eighth Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC8), Thesszaloniki, 2007.
június 25-28. (Self-)assembly of bio-sequences in bio-inspired networks. ESF
Workshop ''Automata and formal languages for DNA computing and
bio-informatics''. Como, 2006. október 18-20. Grammar Systems: Power, Size, Universality. Workshop ''Selected Topics
in Computer Science''. Satellite Workshop of
''Theorietag 16: Automaten und Formale Sprachen''. Technological
University of Vienna, Bécs, 2006. szeptember 27. (meghívott előadás) P colonies with a Bounded Number of Cells and Programs. 7th
International Worskhop on Membrane Computing (WMC7), Leiden, 2006. július
17-21. P automata. University of Metz, Department of Computer Science, Metz,
2005. október 6. On the power of P automata. Turku School of Computer Science, Turku,
2005. szeptember 16. Grammar Systems versus Membrane Computing: EP-colonies. 3rd Brainstorming Week on Membrane
Computing, Sevilla, 2005. január 31-február 4. Grammar Systems versus Membrane Computing: The Case of CD Grammar
Systems. Workshop ''Molecular
Computing'', Lorentz Center, Leiden University, Leiden, 2004. november 22-26. On the computational power of P
automata. Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, 2004. október
20. On the power of P automata.
Technological University of Vienna, Bécs, 2004. október 5. Reducing the size of extended gemmating P systems. Fifth Workshop on Membrane
Computing (WMC5), Milánó, 2004. június 14-16. P automata. Fifth Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC5), Milánó, 2004.
június 14-16. (meghívott előadás) On hybrid networks of evolutionary processors. Turku School of
Computer Science, Turku, 2003. szeptember 26. On gemmating P systems. 2nd Annual MolCoNet Meeting, Bécs, 2003.
november 27. Descriptional Complexity Issues in Grammar Systems. Descriptional
Complexity of Formal Systems. 4th Workshop, 2002. augusztus 21-24, London,
Ontario, Canada. (meghívott tutorial) Networks of
language processors:bio-inspired models of computing. Workshop
"Structural questions in neural networks". Computational
Neuroscience Group, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2002. július 1-3. (meghívott előadás) P-automata.
Workshop of the European Molecular Computing Consortium, 2002. május 10-11,
Metz. Watson-Crick
D0L rendszerek hálózatai. A Számítástudomány Alapjai Tanszék, Szegedi
Egyetem, 2002. március 26. On networks
of Watson-Crick D0L systems. Institute of Informatics. Silesian University at
Opava, Opava, 2001. november 26. Networks of
Watson-Crick D0L systems. Department of Informatics. University of Potsdam,
2001. október 15. On the
number of rules in components of cooperating distributed grammar systems with
probabilities. Third International Workshop DCAGRS'2001, Bécs, 2001. július
21. Pipeline
systems. Workshop of the European Molecular Computing Consortium, Madrid,
2001, május 11. Networks of
Watson-Crick D0L systems. Technological University of Madrid, Madrid, 2001,
május 11. Networks of
Watson-Crick D0L systems. Masaryk University, Brno, 2000. december 18. On
language-theoretic aspects of Watson-Crick complementarity: models and
results. Satellite Worskhop of Theorietag 10, "Molecular Computing,
Quantum Computing", 2000. szeptember 25-27. (meghívott előadás) Grammar
Systems: 12 years, 12 problems. Workshop Grammar Systems 2000, Bad Ischl,
2000. július 4-8. (meghívott előadás) Networks of
Watson-Crick D0L systems. 3rd International Colloquium on Words, Languages,
and Combinatorics. Kyoto, 2000. március 14-18. (meghívott előadás) Computing by
networks of Watson-Crick D0L systems. Workshop on Algebraic Systems, Formal
Languages and Computations. Kyoto, 2000. március 21-23. Parallel
Communicating Grammar Systems with Bounded Resources. Turku Centre for
Computer Science, Turku, 1999. november 24. Grammar
Systems with Bounded Resources. Workshop "Descriptional Complexity of
Automata, Grammars and Related Structures". Magdeburg, 1999. július
20-23. (meghívott előadás) Networks of
Watson-Crick D0L systems. Symposium "Recent Trends in Discrete
Mathematics", Finnish Science Days in Hungary, Budapest, 1999. április
20. (meghívott előadás) Watson-Crick
Reactive Systems. Turku Centre for Computer Science, Turku, 1998. november
27. Grammar
Systems: A grammatical approach to distribution and cooperation. LIAFA,
University Paris VII, Párizs, 1998. október 21. Watson-Crick
Reactive Systems. MFCS'98 Satellite Workshop on Molecular Computing, Brno,
1998. augusztus 25-26. (meghívott előadás) Networks of
Language Processors. MFCS'98 Satellite Workshop on Grammar Systems, Brno,
1998. augusztus 22-23. (meghívott előadás) Networks of
language processors. A language theoretic framework for locally connected
processors arrays. FIFTh IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural
Networks and Their Applications, London, 1998. április 14-17. Networks of
language processors. Workshop on Formal Languages, Automata and Petri Nets,
Stuttgart, 1998. január 16-17. Non-standard
eco-grammar systems. International Workshop on Grammar Systems. Institute of
Computer Science, Silesian University, Opava, 1997. december 12-13. (meghívott
előadás) Recent
developments in networks of language processors, Turku Centre for Computer
Science, Turku, 1997. november 19. Networks of
language processors: a language theoretical framework for filtering and
cooperation. Fifth DELOS Workshop on Filtering and Collaborative Filtering,
Budapest, 1997. november 10-12. Systems of
Watson-Crick language processors. Workshop on Molecular Computing, Mangalia,
1997. augusztus 17-24. (meghívott előadás) Networks of
language processors. Department of Computer Science, University of Leiden,
Leiden, February 20, 1997. Networks of
language processors. "Logic, Algebra and Computer Science. Helena
Rasiowa in memoriam". Minisemester, Stefan Banach International
Mathematical Center, Warsaw, 1996. december 12. (meghívott előadás) Eco-language-processor
systems. Department of Mathematics, University of Turku, Turku, 1996. november
22. Networks of
language processors. XIIth Congress on Natural an Formal Languages. Generalized
eco-grammar systems: a framework for natural language generation. XIIth
Congress on Natural an Formal Languages. COLONIES: a
multi-agent approach to language generation. ECAI'96 Workshop "Extended
Finite State Models of Language". Budapest, 1996. augusztus 11-16. (meghívott
előadás) Impulse-controlled
eco-grammar systems. 8th Conference on Automata and Formal Languages
(AFL'96), Salgótarján, 1996. július 29. - augusztus 2. Networks of
Language processors. Workshop "Grammar Systems: Recent Results and
Perspectives", Budapest, 1996. július 26-27. Systems of
parallel string processors. Department of Mathematics, University of Turku,
Turku, 1995. október 18. Two variants
of eco-grammar systems. Institute of Computer Languages, Technical University
of Vienna, Bécs, 1995. június 7. Some variants
of eco-grammar systems. Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University, Opava,
1995. május 25. Artificial
Life Models: Developmental Parallel Systems in Formal Language Theory.
Workshop "Algorithms and Future Technologies'95" (ALTEC'95), Prága,
1995. március 8-11. |