Research Topics in Focus

  1. Free-form surfaces with irregular topology

  2. Blending surfaces

  3. Reverse Engineering I.: surface fitting over point clouds
    1. Implicit surfaces
      • faithful geometric fitting for natural quadrics and tori
    2. Parametric surfaces
      • initial parametrization, carrier surfaces
      • parameter correction, reparametrization
      • knot insertion strategies
      • hybrid smoothing functionals, automatic setting of weights
      • computational issues
    3. Swept surfaces
      • recognizing translational and rotational symmetries
      • reconstructing free-form profiles and conventional (arc + straight) contours
    4. Constrained fitting
      • surface approximation combined with interpolation
      • matching positional, cross-derivative and normal vector functions
      • simultaneous fitting of adjacent patchworks
      • fitting with constraints such as symmetry or fixed rotational axes etc.
    5. Feature fitting
      • reconstructing free-form features such as
      • variable radius rolling ball blends, free-form steps, free-form pockets etc.

  4. Reverse Engineering II.: from data acquisition to model building
    1. Practical data acquisition problems
      • accuracy, occlusion, avoiding reflections, etc.
      • multiple views: three-ball techniques, using a rotary table
    2. Triangulation and decimation
      • 3D triangulation (other than alpha-shapes)
      • decimation strategies - accuracy, preserving features
      • computational efficiency issues
    3. Segmentation strategies
      • region growing for parametric patches
      • geometric region growing for regular and swept surfaces
      • region growing for blends and special feature elements
      • direct segmentation methods
      • segmentation methods based on evolute surfaces
    4. Reconstructing free-form shapes
      • functional decomposition techniques
      • fitting with ignore areas
      • free-form feature reconstruction
      • reverse computer aided design
    5. Reconstructing solid objects
      • direct segmentation
      • building consistent adjacency graphs
      • merging: a) point clouds b) partial B-rep models
      • building volumetric B-rep models
      • building stitched B-rep models
      • adding blending surfaces
      • beautifying reverse engineered models:
        1. topological consistency
        2. filling holes
        3. assuring symmetry, parallelism, orthogonality, concentricity etc.

  5. Medial Axis Transform representations

  6. Genetic algorithms

  7. Other topics
    1. representing and approximating curves on surfaces
    2. photometric ray tracing
    3. electronic books for teaching geometric modelling